About me

Koutaro Kamada (MPhil)

  • Ph.D student (2024.4-)
  • 〜Cooperative research is welcomed. Please feel free to contact me.〜
  • Google Scholar

  • ■Affiliation
  • Cyberpsychology & Emerging Technologies Team, Yuizono Laboratory, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST).

  • ■Education
  • 2018.4. - 2022.3. // Bachelor of Economics, Takasaki City University of Economics.
  • 2022.4. - 2024.3 // Master of Philosophy, Division of Transdisciplinary Sciences, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Technology, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. Kanazawa University. [Outstanding students] [The top of master's students in JAIST]
  • 2024.4. - // Ph.D student, Division of Transdisciplinary Sciences, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Technology, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. Kanazawa University.

  • ■Field of research

  • ■Keyword
  • VR(Virtual Reality), Human-AI collaboration, Decision-making.

  • ■Award
  • ・Telecommunications Advancement Foundation Award 2023 - Telecom Interdisciplinary Research Student Award.
  • ・Awarding of Outstanding Students (MPhil) in JAIST (2024.3).
  • ・DICOMO2023 Outstanding Paper Award.

  • ■Contact
  • Mail: kamada [at] jaist.ac.jp // kamada [at] stu.kanazawa-u.ac.jp
  • Project

  • ■ Group Dynamics in VR Group Discussions (2022-):
  • In recent years, social VR has become increasingly important, and VR group discussions have attracted a lot of attention. Indeed, VR group discussion is used in business, education, etc. This project is to understand the mechanisms of group dynamics that occur in VR group discussion. For the survey, both objective evaluation (e.g., avatar's behavior in VR space, user's behavior in real space) and subjective evaluation (e.g., questionnaire) are used.
  • Keywords: Virtual Reality, Metaverse, Group Dynamics, Remote Collaboration, Decision-making

  • ■ AI-based Decision-making in Human-AI Collaboration (2023-):
  • AI-based decision-making is expected to lead to better decision-making, and human-AI collaboration(such as Chat-gpt) has become widespread in society. On the other hand, users' overreliance in AI can lead to lower quality of decision-making. This project is to investigate and develop an AI-human interface to guide better AI-based decision-making.
  • Keywords: Human-AI Collaboration, AI-Based decision-making
  • Publication

    ■ International Paper
  • Kamada, K., Watarai, R., Wang, T., Takashima, K., Sumi, Y., and Yuizono, T.: “Explorative study of perceived social loafing in VR group discussion: A comparison between the poster presentation environment and the typical conference environment”, IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT), LNCS, vol 14144, pp. 115-134, (Aug. 2023). (Oral, Peer-reviewed, Full paper) Link

  • ■ Domestic Paper (Japanese)
  • 鎌田光太郎, 渡会隆哉, 王子洋, 高島健太郎, 角康之, 由井薗隆也.: “VRグループ・ディスカッションにおける会議形態の違いがターンテイキングに与える影響”, 第200回ヒューマンインタフェース学会研究会「コミュニケーション支援および一般」, ヒューマンインタフェース学会研究報告集, 25(3), pp.97–102, (May. 2023). (Oral, Non-review)
  • 渡会隆哉, 鎌田光太郎, 王子洋, 高島健太郎, 角康之, 由井薗隆也.: "VR会議における他者との対面量に着目した会議の質評価の試み", DICOMO 2023 シンポジウム, (Jul. 2023). (Oral, Non-review, 優秀論文賞)
  • 羅海洋, 由井薗隆也, 鎌田光太郎, 王子洋.: “感情変化に注目した機械学習による冒険ストーリー生成の試行”, DICOMO 2023 シンポジウム, (Jul. 2023). (Oral, Non-review)
  • Experience

  • ■ LA (Sep. 2023 - Dec. 2023): "ボトムアップ思考とトップダウン思考を区別した創造性支援ツールの基礎研究" (Professor. Yuizono, Takaya).
  • ■ LA (Sep. 2023 - Dec. 2023): "ボトムアップ思考を用いた創造技法の基礎研究" (Professor. Yuizono, Takaya).
  • ■ TA (Apr. 2023 - Jul. 2023): "Introduction to Systems Development for Knowledge Science Experiment / Survey", Support teaching programing (JavaScript, HTML, CSS) / Evaluating homework, and making course archive/assignment, JAIST.
  • ■ TA (Apr. 2023 - Jul. 2023): "Introduction to Knowledge Creation", JAIST.
  • ■ Intern (Sep. 2022 - Feb. 2023): "Psychological examination" (Professor. Matsui, Mie). Laboratory of Neuropsychology, Kanazawa University.
  • ■ Intern (Jul. 2022 - Aug. 2022): "Technical development and operation test of AR remote collaborative work system using Unity and various sensors" (Dr. Otsuki, Mai). Smart Work IoH Research Team, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST).
  • Contribution

  • ■ Invited Talk: "Why and how I am doing metaverse and AI research after graduating from TCUE", in Takasaki City University of Economics, Society of Economics (Aug. 2023).
  • Taking Interview for Admissions Brochure in JAIST (Feb. 2023).
  • ■ Administrative Assistance: 2022 Creativity Society Design Symposium (Dec. 2022).